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Šta videti?

Šta videti u Novom Sadu? Novi Sad je tipičan srednje-evropski grad. Drugi je po veličini grad u Srbiji i administrativno sedište Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine, koja se nalazi u južnom delu Panonske nizije u centralnoj Evropi, na severu Republike Srbije. Novi Sad i...
Novi Sad top destinacija

Novi Sad top destinacija

  Novi Sad je jedna od top 10 Evropskih  destinacija “Atina, Plovdiv, Nant, Azortska ostrva, Pariz, Novi Sad, Brisel, Kotor, Milano, Prag, Rim, Beč, Madrid i Nikozija  su najbolje destinacije za vaš sledeći odmor ili kratki predah u 2016. godini.”...

Novi Sad kandidat za Prestonicu mladih

Novi Sad je jedan od 5 nominovanih gradova za Evropsku prestonicu mladih 2019 “Pet gradova je izabrano od strane nezavisne komisije za konačni izbor za Evropsku prestonicu mladih 2019. Oni su: Amiens (Francuska) Derry City & Strabane (Severna Irska)...

Novi Sad candidate for Youth Capital

Novi Sad is one of 5 nominated cities for European Youth Capital 2019 “Five cities have been shortlisted by an independent jury for the final stages the European Youth Capital (EYC) 2019 competition. They are: Amiens (France) Derry City & Strabane (Northern...
Novi Sad top destinacija

Novi Sad top destination

Novi Sad is one of the top 10 European destinations “Athens, Plovdiv, Nantes, The Azores Islands, Paris, Novi Sad, Brussels, Kotor, Milan, Prague, Rome, Vienna, Madrid and Nicosia are the next best destinations for a holiday or city-trip in 2016.” ...
Fairs in Novi Sad

Fairs in Novi Sad

EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2022 NOVI SAD 3-13 March 2022 PROGRAMME “SOUL MIGRATIONS”   11th INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AND INVESTMENT DAYS 2-3 November 2022 International Energy and Investments Days is presenting you with a unique opportunity to introduce...

What to see

What to see in Novi Sad? Novi Sad is a typical Central European city. The second largest city in Serbia and the administrative seat of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, located in the southern part of the Pannonian Plain in Central Europe, in the north of the...


Accommodation in Novi Sad Most of all, we want you to feel Welcome in Novi Sad. You could choose to spoil yourself in our five star hotels, enjoy best of the city in four star hotels, feel excelent service in tree star hotel or just jump in and met interesting people...
Festivals in Novi Sad

Festivals in Novi Sad

Cinema City  Cinema City is an International film festival which is annually held in Novi Sad. During eight days, Novi Sad becomes a city-festival, with rich film, music and academic program. The  festival program includes three segments: Cinema City films, PRO...